Perhaps it may not seem like a trial to some people, but for me and my fam. It definitely has been.
For those of you who don't know, our little Brytie has been diagnosed with Pyloric Stenosis. Its really not as scary as it sounds. In Laman's terms its a narrowing of the valve between the stomach and intestine. When Brytie gets upset, eats to much, gets scared, coughs to hard, gets hiccups...(pretty much anything besides at a resting state) this narrowing causes Bryton to projectile vomit the entire contents of her stomach. Her little episodes occur at least twice a day but up to 5-6 times. The acid from her stomach will eventually start to eat away the lining of her esophagus and the enamel on her teeth. So she has to take antacids everyday to help with that.
The doctors keep telling me that she will eventually grow out of it; though not any of them can tell me at what age it may start to slow down or WHEN she might "grow out of it." I really don't know how she is gaining weight and growing as much as she vomits.
The good news is Bryton has gotten so used to it, it really doesn't effect her anymore. She will be running around and start coughing, throw up, then wipe her face and keep running.
The bad news..well pretty much everything else besides the above.
I am now to what caused me to write this post.
Today Bry started to gag and I knew it was coming, so I scoop her up and run her to the bathroom. She ended up soaking the front of my shirt but got most of the rest of it in the toilet. Did I mention that I had JUST showered and straightened my hair and got ready for Mal and I to go shopping??? Yeah. So with some murmuring and frustrations mumbled under my breath I started to clean it up. Then Mal says, "Man. I don't know how you deal with that. I would go crazy cleaning up throw up so much."
My response, "ya..story of my life sis."
So tonight I took the girls into their room, read them a story, sang some lullabys, said our prayers and kissed them goodnight. Brytie asked Ryleigh if she could sleep in her bed with her and of course Ryleigh said yes. I tuck them in and give them both a kiss and shut the door.
After I leave the room Brytie starts crying a bit (per usual) and I hear Ryleigh start trying to calm her down. Then she says, "Brytie...if you're going to cry can you go sleep in your bed. I don't want you to throw up on me again..."
I started laughing so hard my eyes started to water...then I broke down into real tears. I felt like such a BAD MOM! I was so caught up in the way these episodes effect me that I didn't realize what Ryleigh has been going through. I didn't realize how crappy it must be to have to live in a room that constantly smells like vomit, to share a backseat with a carseat that constantly smells like vomit, to play in a playroom that constantly smells like vomit, and to be near Brytie so much that sometimes she gets vomited on.
My little soldier Ryleigh has not once complained once. NOT ONCE. And while most of the time I try to take it in stride, sometimes I get overwhelmed and act like a big BABY when Im cleaning up the vomit for the MILLIONTH time that day.
So then I go back into the girls room and give them both big bear hugs.
I ask, "Ry does it make you feel sad or angry when Brytie throws up on you or
your things?"
Ry looks at me puzzled and says, "why would that make me mad Mommy? I love
I say, "I know you love her sweetheart, and you are such a big girl. You are so
tough that you don't get upset at Brytie for throwing up on ur toys."
Ry smiles and says, "Mommy its not her fault she throws up...she doesn't mean to
do it. And I don't want her to be sad when she's sick so I just help her
clean it up and give her a hug."
As you can imagine this conversation made me cry even more. Such sweet inocence and pure love can only come from a child. It may sound corny but Ry really taught me a lesson tonight. Love unconditionally. Forgive people their weaknesses.
And would you believe it I actually was reading the scriptures tonight and came upon a great verse for this post.
Moroni 8:10 "...yea, teach parents that they must repent and be baptized, and humble themselves as their little children, and they shall all be saved with their little children."
I love my little sweet angels and it humbles me to know God trusts me with these precious gifts.
Happiness= Peace, Love, and Crayons.